

The Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism 2004-2005

Paul Diamond
Producer, Radio New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand

TOPIC: Look at Maori-based initiatives aimed at improving Maori mental health

One in Five
Maori use the majority of the mental health services in New Zealand, but they aren't represented well within the system as leaders. This radio piece interviews two Maori women who have used mental health services and overcome hurdles to become leaders in the system.

Whai Ora: Maori Culture and Mental Health
In the Mason Clinic in West Auckland half of the consumers are Maori. This radio piece outlines the plans for the first rehabiltative unit that provides treatment that combines both Maori culture and western culture.

Whai Ora: Anei Matou (Here we are)--Te Heteri
In this TV piece, a new training program is outlined to raise awareness about the realities of living with mental illnesses. The program trains tutors and mentors who work in mental health services who will be working with Maori people.

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