

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Carter, King Centers Call for ‘Dialogue’ in Atlanta Training Center Conflict

A week after the death of a protester marked a new, deadly milestone in the turbulent saga
surrounding Atlanta’s new public safety training center, the conflict continues to elicit
commentary from far and wide.

The latest organizations to weigh in, though, include two venerable Atlanta institutions: the
Carter Center and the King Center.

In separate statements, both organizations condemned the violence of last weekend’s
protests, which saw downtown buildings vandalized and an Atlanta police car set ablaze —
but also urged those on all sides of the issue to talk to each other.

“We support the right for individuals to protest peacefully, and call for a transparent
investigation into the death of the protester and the injury of the Georgia state trooper,” the
statement from the Carter Center, which advocates worldwide for human rights and
democracy, said in part.

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