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Nov. 21, 2019
U.S.-China Constructive Interaction in Latin America and the Caribbean
In October 2019, Carterwas invited to participate in “China, US and Latin America Relations in a Transforming International Order,” organized by the Shanghai Institute of International Studies. There the Center presented a paper arguing that today instead of trilateral mechanisms, several existing regional multilateral frameworks could be used to promote constructive U.S.-China interaction in LAC. The paper provides a macro analysis and recommendations based on a comparative analysis of U.S. and Chinese strategy documents for LAC and existing regional multilateral development policy frameworks.
Aug. 29, 2019
Women’s Political Representation in Honduras: A Comparative Perspective on Party Resistance and Inclusive Reform Proposals | En español
Historically, women have been poorly represented in Latin American politics. Women's absence from democratic institutions and from the processes of making decisions and shaping and implementing public policy underscores the shortcomings of the region’s political systems. This is no small matter: When female politicians committed to the push for substantive inclusion participate, it enhances democracy, allows multiple views to be included and interests to be defended, puts men and women on equal footing, and makes institutions and public policies more inclusive. In this report, Dr. Flavia Freidenberg looks at women’s political participation in Honduras.
Aug. 29, 2019
On May 31-June 1, 2019, Carterhosted the sixth annual conference of the International Consortium for China Studies, titled “The Rise of China and Its Impact on Developing Countries.” The event was co-organized by Â鶹´«Ã½É«ÇéƬ’s China Program and Latin America and Caribbean Program, the International Consortium for China Studies of Peking University, the China Research Center of Atlanta, and the Institute of Developing Nations of Emory University. For the conference, Cartercommissioned three white papers to analyze the impact of China’s increasing presence in Latin America and the Caribbean within the framework of the global competition between China and the U.S., as well as the implications of Chinese approach to development for the region. Each paper presents a different perspective on these topics: 1) the Chinese perspective, 2) the U.S. perspective, and 3) the Latin American and Caribbean perspective. The main objective is to understand whether the growing Chinese presence in LAC is beneficial for the region’s sustainable development. The presentations also explore prospective areas of trilateral collaboration in areas such as health, sustainable energy, peacebuilding and security (anti-organized crime cooperation).
Feb. 28, 2019
Report and Recommendations of the Friends of the Inter-American Democratic Charter on Justice and Human Rights in Mexico (PDF)
In November 2018, a delegation of the Friends of the Inter-American Democratic Charter (FIADC) and Human Rights Experts led by Carlos Ayala (Venezuela), former president of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights and Vice-president of the International Commission of Jurists, and integrated by Paula Gaviria (Colombia), former presidential advisor for human rights, and Daniela Salazar (Ecuador), jurisprudential expert of the Inter-American System of Human Rights and justice of the Constitutional Court, visited Mexico to discuss justice and security policy proposals of the incoming government and assess their compliance with international norms and standards. The Delegation drafted a brief report with concrete policy proposals based on regional and international standards to address issues of gross human rights violation, security, corruption and impunity.
Nov. 6, 2018
Challenges for Transformation: Institutional Trajectory to Confront Gross Human Rights Violations in Mexico (PDF)
In response to the serious human rights crisis in Mexico, The Latin America and Caribbean Program worked with ElementaDDHH to prepare a report that maps the institutional and normative framework to address human rights violations in Mexico. The report provides recommendations to strengthen human rights public policy and ensure that victims can access justice mechanisms. The report was presented at a public event hosted by the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City (CDHDF) on November 6, 2018.
Sept. 15, 2016
Trayectoria Institucional de los DDHH en Colombia: Retos para Tiempos de Paz (PDF)
“Trayectoria Institucional de los DDHH en Colombia: Retos para Tiempos de Paz,” es una publicación que analiza las entidades normativas e institucionales que promueven y defienden los derechos humanos en Colombia con el propósito de resaltar la duplicación y brechas entre los mandatos de los varios órganos gubernamentales para poder identificar los retos en la implementación de los acuerdos de paz.
October 2015
Financiamiento Político y Regulación de Campañas Electorales en América Latina (PDF)
El presente documento sobre la regulación y equidad de las campañas electorales en América Latina, que el Centro Carter pone a disposición de autoridades, legisladores, políticos, expertos y en general de investigadores e interesados en el fortalecimiento integral de los procesos electorales, constituye la primera entrega de un investigación que forma parte de su proyecto más amplio "Temas Controversiales de la Democracia", que tiene como propósito enriquecer el estudio comparado de estos temas.
English (translation begins on page 241)
Political Finance and Campaign Regulations in Latin America (PDF)
This publication focuses on the various bodies of regulations passed in Latin America governing fairness in electoral campaigns. The Guide to Electoral Campaigns in Latin America is part of the Carter Center project entitled "Controversial Issues in Democracy," the purpose of which is to enhance the comparative study of core issues for democracy. Carteris making this research available to authorities, legislators, politicians, experts, and to researchers in general who are interested in strengthening electoral processes.
July 2015
Camino a las elecciones Parlamentarias 2015 – Obstáculos y desafíos del proceso electoral (PDF)
Este informe constituye la edición final de la serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, iniciada en agosto de 2014, para ayudar a los lectores interesados en seguir los distintos desarrollos en el país. Este noveno informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de Julio de 2015.
Heading Toward Parliamentary Elections - Electoral Process Faces Obstacles and Challenges (PDF)
With this report, the Carter Center concludes its monitoring of the political electoral process in Venezuela, which it began in August 2014. Besides addressing major developments on the political and electoral scene, the July 2015 report includes a section dealing with specific details of the parliamentary elections scheduled for December 6.
June 2015
Camino a las elecciones Parlamentarias 2015 – El PSUV celebró sus primarias (PDF)
El Centro Carter continúa la publicación de la serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, iniciada en 2014, para ayudar a los lectores interesados en seguir los distintos desarrollos en el país. Este octavo informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de Junio de 2015.
En Route to Parliamentary Elections in 2015 - the PSUV Holds Primary Elections (PDF)
Cartercontinues to publish the monthly series of Special Reports on the Political - Electoral context in Venezuela, launched in 2014 to assist interested readers in pursuing the various electoral developments in the country. This ninth report contains a summary of some of the major events of political and electoral order occurred in Venezuela during the month of June 2015.
May 2015
Camino a las elecciones Parlamentarias 2015 - La MUD celebró sus primarias (PDF)
El Centro Carter continua la publicación de la serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, iniciada en 2014, para ayudar a los lectores interesados en seguir los distintos desarrollos en el pais. Este octavo informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de Mayo de 2015.
En Route to Parliamentary Elections in 2015 - the MUD Holds Primary Elections (PDF)
Cartercontinues to publish the monthly series of Special Reports on the Political - Electoral context in Venezuela, launched in 2014 to assist interested readers in pursuing the various electoral developments in the country. This eighth report contains a summary of some of the major events of political and electoral order occurred in Venezuela during the month of May 2015.
March 2015
Renovación del Poder Electoral - Preparación de Primarias en Contexto de Conflictividad Política (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este séptimo informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de marzo de 2015.
Parliamentary Elections - Preparation for Primary Election in the Context of Political Conflict (PDF)
Carteris initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This sixth report provides a summary of the major electoral events in Venezuela during the months of March and April 2015.
February 2015
Renovacion del Poder Electoral - Inicio de las actividades del calendario pre-electoral en un clima de recrudecimiento de la polarización política (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este sexto informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de febrero de 2015.
Renewal of the Electoral Authority in Venezuela - Activities on the Pre-electoral Calendar Begin Amid Escalating Political Polarization (PDF)
Carteris initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This sixth report provides a summary of the major electoral events in Venezuela during the month of February 2015.
January 2015
Renovación del Poder Electoral - Instalación del nuevo consejo nacional electoral y designación de los órganos subordinados (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este quinto informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de enero de 2015.
Renewal of the Electoral Authority in Venezuela - Induction of the New National Electoral Council and Designation of Subordinate Bodies (PDF)
Carteris initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This fifth report provides a summary of the major electoral events in Venezuela during the month of January 2015.
December 2014
Renovación del Poder Electoral - Nombramiento final de rectores del consejo nacional electoral (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este cuarto informe de la serie describe el proceso político que resultó en el nombramiento de los nuevos rectores del CNE por parte del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ), después que el oficialismo y la oposición de la Asamblea Nacional no pudieron asegurar una mayoría calificada de dos tercios de votos en el nombramiento de candidatos.
Renewal of the Electoral Authority In Venezuela - Final Appointment of the CNE Judges (PDF)
Carteris initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This fourth report in the series describes the process that resulted in the appointment of the new CNE judges by the Supreme Court, after the governing and opposition parties failed to achieve a two-thirds majority during the nomination process in the National Assembly.
November 2014
Renovación del Poder Electoral - Postulación de los candidatos al rector del consejo nacional electoral (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este tercer informe de la serie describe la postulación de los candidatos al rector del consejo nacional electoral.
Renewal of Electoral Authority in Venezuela - Nomination of CNE Judges (PDF)
Carteris initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This third report describes the nomination of candidates to the National electoral Council.
Nov. 11, 2014
Contentious Issues in Democracy in Latin America: Freedom of expression and the right to communication and information - Competing models of media and government roles (PDF)
Carterorganized a Sub-regional Andean Conversation in Santiago, Chile, on May 24-28, 2014, as part of the Contentious Issues in Democracy initiative of the Americas Program. The Conversation, "Freedom of expression and the right to communication and information in the Americas – Competing models of media and government roles," focused on the polarized extremes of the continuum of approaches most often promoted for addressing the volatile relationship between governments and private media. The competing models were presented by international experts and discussed by local participants and media representatives and experts from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Uruguay. This component of the Contentious Issues in Democracy initiative is scheduled to conclude with the final sub-regional seminar in Bogotá, Colombia on November 6-7, 2014.
September-October 2014
Renovación del Poder Electoral - Designacion del Comité de Postulaciones Electorales (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este segundo informe de la serie describe los procedimientos para designar a los nuevos miembros de la CNE para reemplazar a aquellos cuyo mandato expiró en abril de 2013, y el progreso hasta la fecha.
Renewal of the Electoral Authority In Venezuela – Appointment of the Electoral Nominations Committee (PDF)
Carteris initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This second report in the series describes the procedures to appoint new members of the CNE to replace those whose terms expired in April 2013, and the progress to date.
August 2014
Informe de Seguimiento Político Electoral I – Renovación del Poder Electoral (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados ??a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este primer informe de la serie describe los procedimientos para designar a los nuevos miembros de la CNE para reemplazar a aquellos cuyo mandato expiró en abril de 2013, y el progreso hasta la fecha.
April 28-29, 1997
Final Report: Agenda for the Americas for the 21st Century (PDF)
The report details the following key provisions of the conference: trade, drugs, arms restraints, territorial disputes, Cuba, corruption, and press freedoms.
May 1, 1999
Combatting Corruption in Jamaica: A Citizen’s Guide (PDF)
At a Carter Center conference, government and civil society leaders shared strategies for combatting corruption in Jamaica. This publication examines the legal framework for fighting corruption and the procedures used to investigate and prosecute acts of corruption. It also analyzes two proposed bills with the goal of improving the mechanisms of addressing corruption.
Feb. 23, 1995
Mission to Haiti #2, Feb. 23-26, 1995 (PDF)
This report details the delegation’s discussion of Haiti’s plans for elections, economic development, and status of security.
Jan. 1, 1995
The August 21, 1994, Mexican National Elections Fourth Report (PDF)
This report is the fourth in our series on the Mexican elections. It is a preliminary report on the activities of the delegation and assessment of the elections.
Aug. 1, 1994
Elections in Mexico: Third Report (PDF)
This report is the third on the Mexican Electoral Process prepared for the Council of Freely-Elected Heads of Government, which has been involved in Mexico during the last four years with issues related to the electoral process and to the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Nov. 1, 1993
The North American Free Trade Agreement-What’s In It for Georgia? (PDF)
This document analyzes the National American Free Trade Agreement’s impact on Georgia and the Southeast.
Sept. 6, 1993
Electoral Reform in Mexico (PDF)
This report on electoral reforms in Mexico was prepared in conjunction with activities of the Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government, an informal group of 23 current and former presidents and prime ministers from the Americas. Based at Â鶹´«Ã½É«ÇéƬ, the council worked to reinforce democracy in the Americas and strengthen inter-American cooperation, Sept. 6-11, 1993.
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