The initiative advances President Carter’s legacy of fostering equality and respect for women as well as eliminating violence against them. Using President Carter’s “A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power” as a guiding document, our work supports women and girls in holding leadership positions and upholding and promoting the rights of women.
“The world’s discrimination and violence against women and girls is the most serious, pervasive, and ignored violation of basic human rights.”— President Carter
“A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power”
Through this initiative, Carterpromotes gender equality, advocates for more women in leadership roles, and fights against discrimination and abuse.
To empower women and girls by fostering impactful dialogue, building meaningful partnerships, and advocating for transformative change. Through projects like the Women Called to Action event series and Women’s Resilience in Environmental Stewardship and Empowerment (SheRise), the Center aims to amplify the voices of the most marginalized, address the challenges posed by the climate crisis, and champion efforts grounded in women’s lived experiences to promote equity and justice.
The Center welcomes opportunities to explore future partnerships focusing on the rights of women and girls. To inquire about possible collaboration, please email
SheRise Women Advocates Programmatic Subawards - Zambia
Through its Human Rights Program, Carteroffers financial and technical support to empower women environmental rights defenders in Zambia, enabling them to engage safely and effectively in activism that strengthens resilience and addresses climate change impacts at the local, regional, and global levels.
Request for applications:
Previously known as the Mobilizing Faith for Women and Girls Initiative, this project aimed to address systemic, gender-based discrimination and violence in Ghana and Nigeria by engaging religious and traditional leaders as key agents whose influence was crucial in changing harmful social norms perpetrated in the name of religion.
Carterworked closely with Christian, Muslim, and traditional leaders in Ghana and Nigeria during the 2010s to explore the critical role they and the religious institutions they represent can play in addressing the inequitable treatment of women and girls.
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